Don’t support cruel fashion, don’t buy real fur, not even trims! Raise public awareness by educating and exposing the horrific evidences that the fur industry wants to keep hidden. #JointheRefauxlution @PelushNYC Luxury Faux Furs- The conditions under which animals are kept and treated are the same throughout the world. Long rows of barren small wire cramped cages are preventing the animals from taking more than a few steps back and forth, and may even cannibalize each other as a reaction to their crowded confinement. Not to talk about the clear distress, fear, immense pain and suffering that is inflicted on these poor little animals. Fur farms dispose of their dead animals as economically as possible. The meat from most fur-bearers is not usually eaten by human, therefore the carcasses will go on to become various products such as pet food, animal feed, compost, fertilizer, paint and even tires. Carcasses sometimes go to animal sanctuaries, zoos, and aquariums to feed the animals. Wearing a real fur today is a selfish statement, a sign of indifference towards humanity, animal cruelty, the environment, extinction, the earth, the ecosystem, nature, love towards all living things and lack of compassion. If you think yourself as an animal lover you would never support this cruel and unnecessary industry.