Are you ready to find out what really happens in the name of fashion? @PelushNYC Join the #Refauxlution on this #Furfreefriday! #Followme and know the ugly truth about the fur industry. More than ONE BILLION animals are killed for their fur every year. Many different species of wild and domestic animals are used for their furs, including minks, chinchillas, foxes, dogs, rabbits, cats, wolfs, raccoons, seals, bobcats, links and beavers. 85% of all furs comes from intense fur animals farms. These poor animals are crammed into severely crowded tiny filthy wire cages, stocked one on top of each other, and left to stand on metal bars for their entire lives, only to be beat, skinned alive and electrocuted alive at the end. The appalling conditions these poor animals have to endure is inhumane, cruel and it should be simply against the law! All animals are showing clear signs of physical and mental suffering. Animals on fur farms are forced to endure the most profound indifference to their suffering, dignity and basic needs like inadequate provision of food, water and veterinary care, all in the name of high profits and greed. Please don’t support cruel fashion that causes horrific suffering to animals in order to make a personal fashion statement. Only animals should wear their fur….Today, with so many different options for warmth and fashionable fabric, the fur industry has become an unnecessary and archaic industry. Please don’t buy real fur, not even trims! Today I featured the little sweet chinchilla. It takes 130 to 200 chinchillas to make a coat ?