Could you ever imagine wearing a dog or a cat fur? Millions of domestic dogs and cats are bludgeoned in China, strangled with wire nooses and literally bled to death, just so their fur can be turned into trims and trinkets. There are no regulations that exist to govern fur farms in China, which allows fur farmers to house and slaughter animals however they please. The resulting conditions, treatment and excruciating deaths are horrific and many undercover investigations found horrors beyond belief. Dogs and cats are skinned alive after being pulled from their cramped cages. Workers throw animals to the ground and bludgeon them with metal rods or slam them against any hard surface available. This mangles their bones and sends these defenseless creatures into convulsions, but rarely causes immediate death. Often the dogs and cats are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them alive. Workers stomp on their heads or neck to allow a clean cut. When the fur is finally peeled off, the animals bloody bodies are thrown onto a growing pile. Some cats and dogs are still breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly, their hearts are still beating five minutes after they are skinned alive. Please don’t support the fur industry and this cruelty, don’t wear real fur, not even trims! Wearing any animal that suffered so much abuse and brutality can not bring you any good feeling but instead is attached to only bad things and bad karma. Compassion is the new fashion. Pay more attention, be more aware, educate yourself and read the labels. As consumers we can change how we impact the world, one person at the time.