Join the Refauxlution! Fur is not a by-product of the meat industry and it’s not environmentally sustainable. The energy required to produce a fur coat made from an animal on a fur farm as opposed to a faux or fake fur coat, requires 20 times the amount of energy to produce and manufacture. All animal fur is chemically treated to keep the skin intact and it’s not biodegradable. The process of chemically treating fur produces highly toxic chemical pollution that goes into the air and waterways contaminating water systems and the environment. One million pounds of feces are produced annually by US mink farms alone. One dangerous component of this waste is nearly 1,000 tons of phosphorous, which pollutes all nearby rivers and streams. Don’t forget that animals are killed only for their pelts and all wasted in the name of fashion and for an industry that makes billions of dollars off cruelty. Don’t support cruel fashion that causes horrific suffering to animals in order to make a personal fashion statement. Wearing real fur is no longer hip, cool or fashion forward. Today it’s #FurfreeFriday and I’m featuring the beautiful little mink. It takes 60 of these sweet little guys to make only one coat.